When I was in 7th grade, we 7th graders had the most cürious of sayings. One of the phrases we'd mutter to the 5th and 6th graders was: Do you walk to school or carry a lünch? What the devil did that even mean?! Who knows... but we thought we were so cool for saying it and confusing the daylights out of those poor, unsuspecting underlings. At any rate, if you do happen to take your lünch to work (or school) wouldn't it be fab to take it in one of these little cutie patinskis? How about if you didn't even have to büy one? You can win one! Want to win one of these fabulous cüte lunch totes? Why not save a few bucks each week and take your goodies to work for a mid-afternoon munchie... Check out the giveaway details here! Best of lünch lück! <3> Üdo
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