I'm so excited! The weather has been rather cool these past few days.... the Farmer's Almanac has proven itself correct once again with its prediction of a cold, wet summer this year. Drats on that. But lucky me and you other Fall/Winter lovers.... for fall is indeed in the air! And fall means back-to-school! Back to school haircuts, back to school clothes, back to school excited feelings! Weeee!! This crisp weather has me very much looking forward to the end of August! Pretty soon those lovely green leaves will be turning into burning orange and firey red...
Thinking about August gets me thinking about school. I teach in higher education and I'm so looking forward to seeing my new freshmen students and to embracing my returning sophomores! So many of them searching for their gift. Their talent. Their genius. So excited to unearth that one secret gift they each have with which to change this world and leave it a better place. With my background in creative arts, it hardly makes sense that I would be teaching in a business school- but teach the business students I do, and part of what I teach is the joy that can be found in nurturing the creative self.
Which gets me to thinking... we seriously have to rethink the fundamental principles upon which we are educating our children... I've had several conversations with local teachers from elementary and secondary schools (with whom I am taking some graduate education courses with) and they quite agree that the public school system is seriously lacking in the 4th "R" ... ART!
Don't agree? Maybe this will change your mind... watch Ken Robinson give a 20 minute talk on the gift of the human imagination and the impact that our current education system is having on our future generations... Viva La Art! Here! Here!
XOoxOXoX <3>Üdo
Success is piece of mind attained only through self satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable. - John Wooden
what a creative site..really enjoy the articles, homemade delectables and great sense of adventure!! mary d
what a creative site..really enjoy the articles, homemade delectables and great sense of adventure!! mary d
I didn't get a chance to check out the video. But I so agree w/ you about our education system. With our economy & our school systems breaking down, we are being given an opportunity to relook & restructure. Will we take it? Art is one piece. Relationship skills such as Conflict Resolution etc. would change the world if they were taught in school. School teaches us a bunch of facts & not much else.
Anyway, thank you for another beautiful post Udo....
Cyndeeeeee! Thank you for süch a lovely comment! Thought provoking and trüe. Right on!! Xoxo <3 Üdo
Mary, You are so fün! Thank you for your comment and for reading the blog! XoxoXO <3 Üdo
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